Lux Veritas 演讲者 Series


Lux Veritas 演讲者 Series - drawing from 中北书院’s religious and academic heritage - engages our community in conversations with leaders whose faith motivates them to transform the world. Inspired by our college seal, a lamp representing “light” and a book representing “truth”, these events connect us with leaders that explore important issues in a spirit of truth while spreading light into the world as a means to live out our purpose.

光明与真理. 宗旨及职业. 行动中的信念.



请查阅立博在线体育的 YouTube频道 查看上 金沙集团 lectures, and other past events from the 信仰办公室 & 行动.

Upcoming Lux Veritas 演讲者 Series Events


牧师. 乔纳森·布鲁克斯, Senior Pastor, 迦南社区教会

"Reconciliation: Everybody's Ministry"

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 @ 12:00 pm



牧师. 乔纳森·E.L. 布鲁克斯米.Div affectionately known as Pastah J serves as Senior Pastor at 迦南社区教会 在西恩格尔伍德. Canaan is a non-denominational church which seeks to bring value to everyone with which they come in contact.  He is a gifted preacher and teacher who is comfortable preaching in diverse contexts.

Through various partnerships and Canaan Community Redevelopment Corporation (CCRC), their not for profit community development company, Canaan provides youth development, 整体健康选择, 大学奖学金, adult education classes and continual support to the incarcerated and their families living in Greater Englewood and other Chicago communities.


日期 演讲者 位置 活动地点
11/12/15 卡尔·格莱斯顿 Founder and Director, Motown Mission 史密斯大厅,老美因
1/21/16 Dr. 利亚·冈宁·弗朗西斯 Professor, Author, Activist Meiley-Swallow剧院
4/14/16 Bishop Sally Dyck - "Connecting Jesus to the Care of Creation" Bishop, United Methodist Northern Illinois Conference Koten Chapel, Kiekhofer Hall
10/20/16 Jon Guerra, Pete Leonard, Luke Wright - "信仰ful Entrepreneurs" Musician / Engineer, Coffee Roaster / Creative 史密斯大厅,老美因
1/26/17 莱顿·威廉姆斯 作者,旅居者 史密斯大厅,老美因
4/19/17 谢恩克莱伯恩 演讲者, Activist, Author Koten Chapel, Kiekhofer Hall
1/16/18 史蒂文•马丁 Documentary Film Maker, Activist Room 101, Wentz Science Center
5/16/18 Scott Erickson, Justin McRoberts - "Prayer" Author, Songwriter / Artist Koten Chapel Kiekhofer Hall
2/19/19 牧师. 加文·罗杰斯 Pastor, Activist, Author Madden 的ater, Wentz Hall
4/9/19 谢恩克莱伯恩, Michael Martin - "Beating Guns Tour" 活动家/铁匠 Koten Chapel, Kiekhofer Hall
11/6/19 卡洛斯一. 罗德里格斯 Pastor, Teacher, Activist Koten Chapel, Kiekhofer Hall
4/20/21 牧师. 乔纳森·布鲁克斯 - "Reconciliation: Everybody's Ministry" Pastor, 演讲者, Artist, Teacher 网络事件